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Posted By admin On 15.10.19

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Sapphire 11 is a major upgrade for the suite of VFX plug-ins. Key features include integrating the Academy Award-winning Mocha planar tracking and masking engine into Sapphire effects. In addition to adding Mocha, over 50 new effect and transitions, created with the Sapphire Builder, are also included with Sapphire 11. Autodesk Flame artists will benefit from the addition of an exclusive SMocha spark, which allows for the exporting of mocha planar tracking data for use in other Flame compositing modules. And finally, as with every major release, Sapphire 11 has been optimized for maximum CPU and GPU performance. Sapphire 11 is a major upgrade for the suite of VFX plug-ins. Key features include integrating the Academy Award-winning Mocha planar tracking and masking engine into Sapphire effects.

In addition to adding Mocha, over 50 new effect and transitions, created with the Sapphire Builder, are also included with Sapphire 11. Autodesk Flame artists will benefit from the addition of an exclusive SMocha spark, which allows for the exporting of mocha planar tracking data for use in other Flame compositing modules. And finally, as with every major release, Sapphire 11 has been optimized for maximum CPU and GPU performance.

Sapphire 11 is a major upgrade for the suite of VFX plug-ins. Key features include integrating the Academy Award-winning Mocha planar tracking and masking engine into Sapphire effect.

In addition to adding Mocha, over 50 new effect and transitions, created with the Sapphire Builder, are also included with Sapphire 11. Autodesk Flame artists will benefit from the addition of an exclusive SMocha spark, which allows for the exporting of mocha planar tracking data for use in other Flame compositing modules. And finally, as with every major release, Sapphire 11 has been optimized for maximum CPU and GPU performance.

The Foreign Secretary published a 4,000-word essay setting out his personal manifesto for Brexit Allies of Theresa May last night accused of treachery after he staged an open revolt over her plans for a ‘soft’. The Prime Minister was said to be furious after the Foreign Secretary said Britain should refuse to pay the a big divorce bill – and did not bother to tell her about his bombshell intervention in advance. One of Johnson’s most prominent ‘hard Brexit’ Conservative MP supporters boasted: ‘He has just lobbed a hand grenade through Downing Street’s window.’ Fellow Cabinet Ministers claimed Mr Johnson’s Churchillian Brexit manifesto was a blatant attempt to oust Mrs May. And one former Minister said the PM should ‘have the balls’ to fire Mr Johnson for threatening to sabotage her own major Brexit speech in Florence this week. Downing Street officials denied there was a rift between the two and said Mr Johnson’s job was safe.

But Cabinet Ministers loyal to Mrs May privately denounced his ‘hostile’ intervention. One said the PM was ‘deeply disappointed’ – politician’s code for livid. Another accused Johnson of ‘attention seeking’. There were claims, denied by the Johnson camp, that he was preparing to resign in anticipation of a ‘soft Brexit sell-out’ by Mrs May. Brexit Secretary David Davis was reportedly angry with Johnson for reviving his controversial claim from the EU referendum that Britain would be £350 million a week better off outside the EU. ‘DD’s view is that it was wrong for Boris to make the £350 million claim then and he is wrong to bring it up now,’ said a well-placed source. Scroll down for video.

The move comes just days before Mrs May is due to make a pivotal speech on the issue and will be seen as an attempt to box her in A close ally of Johnson’s biggest Cabinet foe, Chancellor Philip Hammond, said: ‘This just confirms suspicions about Boris’s ambitions. ‘It is disloyal and damaging for the Party and for getting a deal with the EU because it suggests division and chaos. His £350 million claim is the most notorious and discredited statistic in modern British history. If his credibility depends on that figure, it doesn’t say much for his credibility.’ One of Mrs May’s close confidants described Johnson’s conduct as ‘extraordinary and hostile,’ adding: ‘It is just attention-seeking. I have given up trying to analyse what Boris says, he is infuriating and just desperate for headlines.

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If he resigned he would be finished.’ The row flared after Johnson set out his own vision for Brexit in a 4,000-word article in the Daily Telegraph. In an astonishingly open act of defiance, he refused to inform Mrs May until moments before it was published. Share Johnson argued Britain should not carry on paying into EU coffers after Brexit in 2019 and said that staying in the single market would make a ‘complete mockery’ of the referendum. His comments follow reports that Mrs May is preparing to pay up to £40 billion in a Brexit divorce bill to keep access to the single market over a two-year transition. Johnson won praise from leading Brexiteer Tories. Jacob Rees-Mogg, seen by some as a leadership rival to Johnson, praised ‘brilliant Boris’ while Zac Goldsmith and Nadine Dorries also pledged support.

Most, but significantly not all, pro-Remain MPs savaged Johnson. A leading pro-EU ex-Minister said: ‘Theresa should have the balls to sack Boris. It would be high risk but if she moved quickly – and squared off David Davis about it – she could and should do it.’. By GLEN OWEN Boris Johnson ’s 4,000-word opus boils with frustration at Theresa May’s direction of travel on Brexit – and is more notable for what it doesn’t say than what it does. Boris flatly refuses to endorse a transition period.

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While even the most ardent Leavers in the Government now accept that the UK should remain in the single market and customs union for two to three years after March 2019, while new trade deals are struck, Boris stubbornly resists. To do so, he says, would ‘make a complete mockery of Brexit and turn an opportunity into a national humiliation. It would be the worst of both worlds, with the UK turned into a vassal state’. He also rebels against the growing Whitehall consensus that the UK should make multibillion pound ‘divorce’ payments during the transition to unblock negotiations, saying: ‘We would not expect to pay for access to their markets any more than they would expect to pay for access to ours’. This is not a minor distinction which can be easily finessed: it blows a clear hole in No 10’s strategy just days before the most important speech of the Prime Minister’s life, when she sets out her own Brexit plan in Florence on Friday. Boris’s unembarrassed reference to his referendum pledge to return £350 million a week from Brussels to the NHS shows how determined he is to defend himself against claims of backsliding.


He repeats the campaign mantra, saying: ‘We will take back control of roughly £350 million per week. It would be a fine thing if a lot of that money went on the NHS’. The Foreign Secretary also issues a warning to Chancellor Phillip Hammond, the Cabinet’s most powerful advocate for a transitionary ‘soft’ Brexit, by saying that the Treasury has not ‘so far’ sought to punish the British people for voting for Brexit by delivering an ‘emergency Budget’ of the sort so controversially threatened by former Chancellor George Osborne before the vote. Another giveaway that the article is designed to lay down a marker for a veiled leadership bid comes in the tone, which channels the rhetorical flourish of his great hero, Winston Churchill.

In contrast to Theresa May’s constipated verbal formulas, Boris strikes a consciously positive, optimistic note – pushing the patriotic button with lines such as: ‘Of all the kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers in the world, one in seven was educated in this country’. He concludes by condemning the ‘grievous error’ of ‘all those who wrote off this country, who think we don’t have it in us, who think that we lack the nerve and the confidence to tackle the task ahead’. The senior figure argued that Johnson had ‘panicked’ because ‘he knows most of the Cabinet realises the only sensible Brexit is a soft Brexit and that we will have to pay a sizeable sum.’ However, Mrs May’s frail grip on power was reflected by the fact Johnson received emphatic backing from a distinguished Tory grandee known for his passionate pro-EU views.

He said: ‘Even though I am a strong Remainer I agree with much of what Boris says and don’t believe he is being disloyal. We are crying out for leadership and at least Boris he has got off his a. and given us some.

Brexit is our biggest crisis since 1940 and we won’t get far sitting around looking at our belly buttons.’ With Brexit talks close to breakdown and Mrs May under fire for her botched snap Election, Conservative Party managers fear Johnson’s outburst could trigger a full-scale leadership crisis at the party conference in two weeks. Davis, Home Secretary Amber Rudd, Rees-Mogg and other Tories have been tipped to throw their hats into the ring if Mrs May resigns.

Some Cabinet Ministers believe Environment Secretary Michael Gove could be in cahoots with Johnson, despite their spectacular fallout last year when Gove sabotaged Johnson’s bid to succeed David Cameron after they had led the Brexit campaign together. Mr Gove denied any collusion. A spokesman said last night: ‘The first Michael knew about Boris’s article was when it was published on Friday night.’ After pleas from No 10 to make it clear he was not plotting against Mrs May, Johnson, apparently unconcerned by the furore he had started, tweeted jauntily: ‘Looking forward to PM’s Florence speech. All behind Theresa for a glorious Brexit.’. OUTSPOKEN: Ruth Davidson is a long-time critic of Boris The refusal by Boris Johnson to let Theresa May see his devastating ‘Brexit manifesto’ could have been revenge for a similar snub by her in the Election, it was claimed last night. Mrs May’s aides banned him from seeing the Tories’ Election manifesto in advance because they were convinced he would leak it, according to a new book by political journalists Tim Ross and Tom McTague. They say the Foreign Secretary was annoyed to be ‘locked out of the manifesto-writing process’ and that his repeated demands to see it were rejected because he was not deemed ‘trustworthy’.

The book, being serialised in the MoS, quotes a May aide saying: ‘No doubt Boris wanted to leak it so he wasn’t going to see it.’ Last night, one Tory MP privately suggested Mr Boris’s surprise Brexit intervention could be ‘Boris getting his own back on Theresa’ for the manifesto snub. The rebuff is one of a series of humiliations inflicted on Mr Johnson by Mrs May. Two years ago as Home Secretary, she embarrassed Mr Johnson by thwarting the then London mayor’s bid to use German-made water cannon in the capital – even though he had already bought them. Mrs May insisted she would not lift the ban on police using water cannon because it was too dangerous and would damage public trust. At the launch of her Tory leadership campaign in 2016, she mocked him for spending £200,000 on the second-hand cannons – that were never used – claiming it proved he was not fit to take charge of Brexit talks. ‘The last time he did a deal with the Germans, he came back with three nearly-new water cannon,’ she said. Her most spectacular public put-down came at the Spectator magazine annual awards dinner last year.

By Glen Owen Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson launched an outspoken attack on Boris Johnson for throwing down the gauntlet to Theresa May on the day that London was targeted by terrorists. Ms Davidson said: ‘On the day of a terror attack where Britons were maimed, just hours after the threat level is raised, our only thoughts should be on service.’ It is not the first time that the two Tories, both of whom have been tipped as future party leaders, have clashed. Friends say that Ms Davidson, a 38-year-old Army reservist ‘cordially loathes’ the 52-year-old Old Etonian, regarding him as ‘toxic’ to the party’s prospects north of the border.

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A kickboxer who is engaged to her female partner, she has been openly mocking of his ‘brazen chauvinistic style’ and has even privately threatened to break from the UK Tories and form a new party if Boris became Prime Minister. Such a move would be devastating: Theresa May only clung on to power in the General Election thanks to the 12 seats Ms Davidson gained in Scotland. The enmity stems in large part from Boris’s Brexit beliefs, which Remainer Ms Davidson strongly opposes. During the referendum she warned that leaving the EU would harm the poor most, while ‘Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage would be OK’ because of their wealth. In one TV debate, questioning the economic effect of a failure to strike post-Brexit trade deals, she taunted him: ‘How many jobs will it be, Boris? How many?’ She has also cracked near- the-knuckle jokes about ‘the Tories enjoying a post-coital cigarette after withdrawing our massive Johnson.’ Ms Davidson, whose down-to-earth style has been a hit with voters, has surged past Boris in internal Party popularity.

After Mrs May’s Election disaster, Ms Davidson won the highest net satisfaction rating among party members of any senior Tory – with an 84.5 per cent positive rating, well ahead of Boris at 38.8 per cent. Ms Davidson, who does not have a Westminster seat, has said that her first aim is to displace the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister of Scotland. But her popularity means that other Tory leadership contenders have been courting her as the leadership ‘kingmaker’.